In 2011 and no we don’t have flying cars, Delorians that take us back in time, or even robots mowing our lawns. What we do have is an ever changing social scene when it comes to your business and the web.
A few years ago it was enough to have a company website, but not today. Today companies need to understand how important it is for them to integrate Social Networking into their business as well. Each Social Network out there can target a different audience, and each audience can bring different prospective customers to your doorstep.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
How should my Business use Facebook?
Facebook is one major player when it comes to Social Networking. With over 500 million users, you can potentially reach a huge audience with a few updates a week. There are a lot of users on Facebook, but not everyone is necessarily going to become a customer. Facebook allows you to create a Facebook Page for your business. By Creating a Facebook Fan Page you’ll be able to provide your Fans with updates, conduct polls, link other social networks (twitter tabs, Linkedin tabs), and much more. With Facebook you’ll want to target a broad audience and try to engage your fans in conversation. By engaging your fans in conversation you’re appearing on more News Feeds, more Walls, and getting exposure to a broader audience outside of your actual Fan Base.
How should my Business use Twitter?
If you don’t know what Twitter is, Twitter is basically a site where you can provide real time updates to your followers with what’s going on Now. You’ll also be able to engage in conversation and appear in different topic groups by using #hashtags. Hashtags basically allow you to type #ecoyork after your update, and when anyone searches or follows that hashtag, your posts will appear in that list. Twitter is very useful for providing your followers with exclusive discount codes for deals you might be providing at that exact moment in time. Providing them with updates on when you post photos or discussions on Facebook can be very useful as well.
What about Linkedin?
A few years ago Linkedin didn’t seem to be as popular because of the inability to integrate without having to pay for a subscription to the service. In the past year Linkedin has become extremely powerful when it comes to Social Networking and reaching out to high end businesses / prospective customers. Creating a Company Page on Linkedin would be a good place to start. Linkedin has significantly less users than Facebook and Twitter, however the amount of funds that an average Linkedin user has is potentially greater. This means creating a presence on Linkedin could mean having potential customers that could help fund your next venture.
With all 3 Social Networks (and there are more) it may seem hard to keep up. There are plenty of tools out there which allow you to link the accounts together, as well as update from one application. Tweet Deck and People Browser are two good applications which may make updating your status easier.
We hope this article was helpful in giving you an idea of the different social networks, and why you might use one for one purpose, and another for something else. Each Social Network has it’s purpose, so make sure your business gets integrated today.
Remember Social Networking and any online media doesn’t require marketing materials to be printed, postage stamps to mail out brochures, or Door hangers to be dropped off. It utilizes an online strategy of targeting the users who will use your services at no cost to our environment.
As always contact us if you need help.
Your partner in living a greener life,
Mark Lane
President Eco York, LLC