Basic Guidelines For Getting an Accurate Estimate for a Residential Building Cleaning Schedule on the Spot
Estimating a building cleaning schedule can be a little tricky. Residential spaces are distinctive and varied based on the people and their way of living. The estimation of any residential building cleaning schedule requires considering various factors such as residential area size, demand, service types, and any specific requirement of a client.
It is very common for professional cleaning organizations to face challenges cleaning residential properties since, many times, the cleaning jobs become more complex and big as the job progresses. And this results in higher costs than expected or budgeted before starting building a cleaning schedule.
Of course, many professional cleaning organizations have cleaning business software in place, which can help them estimate a residential building cleaning schedule. But when it comes to providing an instant or immediate estimation of any house or property cleaning job, it is not as simple as quoting whatever your competitors are chagrining. If you fail to provide the precise estimation for house cleaning at first, you may miss out on a good business opportunity.
So, how can you estimate a residential property cleaning schedule on the spot? Want to know the house or residential building cleaning schedule checklist to provide the estimation on the spot? Keep reading this blog post.
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Make sure you quote not to just meet the client’s requirements but to beat the competitors too!
The charges for building cleaning by professional cleaning organizations usually range between $0.07 to $0.15 per square foot. When you provide an estimation for a residential property or building cleaning schedule, you must figure out where you are. But it is very vague to just pick any random number and wait for your client to approve! To ensure you come up with the most realistic estimation for house cleaning, you must study your competitors. Use the internet, make a few contacts, and try to get answers to a few questions like:
- How much do your competitors charge on an hourly basis?
- What are all the inclusions in the estimations provided?
- Do they provide any specific services to the customers?
- How about discounts for frequent or repeated orders?
There may be a lot more other things you must keep in mind when planning to provide a quote for residential property cleaning. Make sure you do enough homework to reach a reliable and meaningful quote.
Figure out residential building cleaning cost factors
When it comes to professional cleaning organizations, they provide cleaning services for a wide range of property types, and thus, average price estimation may vary greatly for building cleaning. While some customers consider hiring professional cleaning organizations for just one time, others may consider the cleaning services on a daily basis. Here’re are a few factors that may affect the overall residential building cleaning schedule estimation:
- Cleaning rates per square foot
- One-time charges
- The number of bathrooms and windows affect the estimate
- Flat or hourly rates of the cleaning service providers
Workout on your numbers
To bid or estimate cleaning costs for any house or residential property, you must need to have a few numbers clear in your mind. You may have house cleaning business software in place, but for the spot estimation, you need to know the cleanable square foot of the building. Secondly, you need to know the exact time it will require to clean a house. And at last, you have to work on your pricing structure.
- Calculating a cleanable square foot – Start by measuring the property space with a measuring wheel. Simply multiply length and width to get the square foot details.
- Calculating time to clean a building – It is based on your production rate, i.e., how much square foot your team can clean in an hour.
- Deciding on price structure – This should be entirely based on your market research about how your competitors are charging per hour for a house cleaning. For the safer side, you can go somewhere in the middle range to win the business.
Have a proper calculation in place
Once you have numbers in your hand, you can utilize cleaning company scheduling software to come up with an appropriate bid. Utilizing cleaning business software will help you understand if you are going to make a profit on the said account or not.
Adjust yourself with the amount of time it requires to convince the client
In the estimation phase, to fulfill your client’s expectations, you must think of optimizing your rates. However, this doesn’t mean you lower your rates if you feel a job quoted for an hour will take a day. Estimates for a residential building cleaning schedule usually start at by an hour and knowing the facts and figures will make your job easier and will help you gain the trust of the clients.
Also Read – 8 Useful Do’s and Don’ts of Adding Online Booking to Your House Cleaning Business Website
There are all basic guidelines to improve productivity when it comes to providing rough estimates on the spot for any residential property or a house. Make sure you do have a residential building cleaning schedule checklist in hand and have done enough research to stand out among the competitors and come up with the most realistic and acceptable estimate for your house cleaning job. Looking for a cleaning company scheduling software to get reliable rough estimates for your building cleaning schedule? Get in touch with us now.